*Girls' Day Out...
We're going to watch "Sex and the City" and were spending some quality time together.


Conny and New Friends

我最愛的Sex and the City Quote:
“Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two ‘L’s: labels and love. Twenty years ago, I was one of them. Having gotten the knack for labels early…I concentrated on love.” — Carrie Bradshaw

"I love you! But I love (((me)))more"--Samantha Jones
<這裡應該用正確文法: I love you, but I love "myself" more...
but hey, who cares?? It's New York City, Babe...haha~>
plus, 我們不都一樣, 愛到最後難免失去了自己...
太傻了, 是嗎?? bring the pieces back together, babe...gotta move on 
somehow, right~


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