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早上,試驗7-11低卡餐包: 玉米濃湯150

 -Just 100-綜合高纖餐包100(真的只有100?)

我一口氣吃了兩包(也不過250卡), 果然非常有飽足感!

queenmia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

This Movie is based on a true history- Henry VIII and his 6 wives.
Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous queens in English history, 
Mary Boleyn is Anne's younger sis.
看完這片, 我只能說對男人的成見又加了一筆!

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18 Foods That Make Your Skin Glow

Posted Wed, Mar 19, 2008, 1:20 pm PDT(本文擷取Yahoo網站/照片黃米亞私人提供瑞士早餐)

Top skin creams average about $400 an ounce (and you thought gas was expensive!), yet most offer little proof that they do half of what they promise. Want to save a bundle and improve your skin? Load your shopping cart with nutrients that research has shown to have skin-hydrating, sun-protecting, and even wrinkle-preventing powers, says Manhattan dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD. Here’s her grocery list of best foods for your skin. 

Firm and Bright
You’re probably up to your eyebrows (Botoxed or not) with hearing “eat more fruits and vegetables.” But if you have yet to take that advice to heart, maybe knowing that they prevent wrinkles will do the trick. The colorful pigments that produce bright orange and red also refill antioxidant levels in your skin.

The skin doc’s 3 top picks: SWEET POTATOES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPE

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